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A member registered Jun 14, 2019

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i can't relate too terribly to what i believed this was saying, but it was really painful... for as pretty and polished it all was, it was like watching someone's mind collapse...? the repetition, the progressively self-analyzing dialogue, and the centaur's increasingly critical descriptions, made it feel like a dark and kind of frantic spiral... it was subdued, but it did feel like listening to a person destroy themself and only managing a happy conclusion when they had become too exhausted to keep up anymore, if that makes sense...

my heart feels heavy for you in an empathetic way. i imagine that even if you reach the conclusion "what does any of it matter, i will always feel how i will, so as long as i always try to improve myself i can put how pathetic i've been behind me," that misery and self-loathing will always creep back in... i know "tolerating yourself" isn't something done once and accomplished, so i wanted to say i thought this was really humanizing, in a good way... i didn't think it was embarrassing nor did i get the idea that the creator was an unpleasant person. for all i know this has totally gone over my head, but the more critical this got and the more the fourth wall breaks seemed to serve as a sort of case-in-point tool for deflecting and shrugging off your serious emotions put into this... the more fondness i felt for my impression of you...? i was happy for the happy ending ^^ i sincerely hope the conclusion of this story is one that stays with you; i thought it was valuable. yippee!!

do you think sei has a minun and a plusle in addition to her carbink and meltan (and spectrier if its on her team)